Oh, Rick Riordan just loves his love triangles.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO) and The Heroes of Olympus (THO) are one (I'm considering the two as one) of my favorite series. Why? Because I love Greek mythology, dramatic plots, and love triangles.
Now, I know some of you may completely disagree with me on this. You might be like, what, ew, those are just distractions from the real plot. They might be. But I don't care. They're entertaining and it makes a good story.
Here's a sort of brief look at all of the love triangles. From my disfigured perspective.
Love Triangle #1: Annabeth, Percy, and Luke
This one was real, right? Or was it just in my head?
Because Annabeth always had this small crush on Luke ever since they ran away together (not THAT type of running away). But then she met Percy, and she kind of forgot about him. And then Luke revealed his evil self, but Annabeth still had small feelings for him. This one was slightly awkward, because of Luke's age difference.
Love Triangle #2: Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel
I KNOW this one is real. Heck, Rachel kissed him in the beginning of
The Last Olympian, when he was still trying to figure out his feelings for Annabeth. If she didn't become the Oracle...Percy would've had a problem there.
As cool as Rachel is, Percy and Annabeth make a much better couple. Even though I don't really like Annabeth sometimes.
Love Triangle #3: Jason, Piper, and Reyna
Okay. This one was extremely unfair. I mean, the guy lost his memories! Maybe he didn't like Reyna as much as Percy liked Annabeth, but he should have known he was in a relationship before he went off to lead on Piper. Thanks, Hera. No, really. It made a good story.
Frankly, after reading The Son of Neptune, I'm not even sure how he got along with Reyna, much less like her. Did they even go out? I don't remember the details.
Either way, I think we're all guessing that Jason and Piper will end up together. As for Reyna...well, I'll come back to that later.
Love Triangle #4: Hazel, Frank, and Leo/Sammy

I got rather confused on this one. Are Leo and Sammy the same person? If that was true, he would've known something, right? They might not be. He could just be a relative of Sammy (although I would get really disappointed if that was true). But then, he might. Who knows, with Riordan, anything's possible.
Still, I'm assuming Frank and Leo are NOT going to get along well. AT ALL.
First, you have Hazel showing an interest in Leo. And if he turns out to be Sammy, well, I'm going to feel really sorry for her. (Frank will suspect Leo of trying to take his girlfriend)
Second, Leo has fire powers. Frank could die from fire. (Frank will be cautious of Leo's fire)
I don't understand this whole block of wood thing, but I'm making a wild prediction that the block WILL burn, but once the whole thing turns to ashes, Frank WON'T die. I have no idea where I got that from.
Here's my imagination on a sugar rush: Frank will try to stay away from Leo. But meanwhile, Hazel will go and hang out with Leo. BUT WHAT IF HAZEL STARTS CHEATING ON FRANK? Riordan wouldn't do that, right?
Ooh, and I have Frank's death scene planned out: Leo will accidentally pick up one of Hazel's cursed jewels. He would get cursed. His fire powers would burn down the room they were in. Frank's wood would (haha) catch on fire. Frank dies. Or if my prediction was correct, Frank wouldn't die.
I'm just confusing all of you now.
Is there anything else? I thought of two more really weird ones: Leo, Hazel, and Thalia (he had a small crush on Thalia, but it wasn't anything that important) and Reyna, Jason, and Leo (O_o).
Because Reyna has to end up with someone, right?
This is my problem. There are 8 characters, and all of them have some sort of connection to each other.
We have:
Does Rick Riordan seriously plan on pairing all of them up?
The seven half-bloods (in my mind) will probably be the above, excluding Reyna.
Annabeth and Percy is the only obvious couple. Now we have Piper, Jason, Leo, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank that have love drama. All the fanfictions are pairing up Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, and LEO AND REYNA.
My response? NO. Just, no. That would be so awkward.
Maybe...just maybe...it could go like this:
Hazel & Leo
Jason & Reyna
...Frank & Piper?
EWH. WHAT AM I THINKING? That's even more awkward.
Maybe Leo & Reyna really would be the only way to go. But then there'd be yet another love triangle.
Non-existent Love Triangle #5: Leo, Reyna, and Piper
Oh, joy.